Compliance & Conduct

Standards of Conduct

Cheyenne Regional staff, physicians and other ancillary service providers are committed to performing their duties with the highest commitment to quality care and sound ethical business practices.

Our Standards of Conduct include our commitment to service standards, and provide guidance for various key business and compliance risks.

It is Cheyenne Regional’s expectation that all members providing services will adhere to our Standards to help ensure that our patients receive the best experience possible.

Conduct resources and documents

Compliance Program

Our Compliance Program provides an overview of our commitment to Cheyenne Regional’s core values and sound business practices.

For more information about our compliance program, please contact Cheyenne Regional’s Chief Compliance Officer at (307) 432-6625.

Voice your opinion / report a concern

Employees, patients and visitors have the ability to utilize the Report It Hotline (an anonymous reporting hotline) to report observed or known issues and concerns that require attention.

You can call the hotline at (877) 778-5463 or visit the Report It website at .